NEW YORK—Oct. 26, 2021—Morgan James’ new release, Really Care for Them: How Everyone Can Use the Power of Caring to Earn Trust, Grow Sales, and Increase Income. No Matter What You Sell or Who You Sell It To, by Mareo McCracken, is the inspirational, visually captivating, tactical guide for sales professionals ready to gain success — fast.

Really Care for Them is not your everyday, complex, repetitive sales guide. It is designed for the modern salesperson, easy to read, easy to remember, with unique formatting and short, powerful chapters. Packed with important information, skills, behaviors, and characteristics that enable personal and professional growth, Really Care for Them is a beautifully crafted book with visual appeal to draw and maintain interest and attention from beginning to end.

Really Care for Them helps sales professionals develop a customer-centric approach to winning new business based on caring for others. Sharing old wisdom in a modern approach, Really Care for Them teaches the essential mindset and skillset framework needed to excel in sales by inspiring trust and creating shared value.

“Really Care For Them is accessible, authentic, heartfelt, and wise, all at the same time. It does what you wish all books would do: it doesn’t shout at you or lecture you; it takes your hand and guides you, one little jewel of insight at a time. I don’t just like Mareo’s book, I love it.” – John David Mann, Coauthor of The Go-Giver 

“Read, understand, and reflect on the wisdom in this book and watch your sales grow exponentially! Really Care For Them is rocket fuel for your sales organization. Every VP of Sales should buy this book for each person on their team. Mareo McCracken delivers an artful method for providing sustainable success in selling.” – Skip Prichard, CEO, OCLC, Inc., Wall Street Journal Best-Selling Author of The Book of Mistakes: 9 Secrets to Creating a Successful Future

If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Mareo McCracken, please contact Mareo on LinkedIn:

About the Author: Mareo McCracken is the Chief Revenue Officer at Movemedical where he leads the sales, marketing, and customer success efforts. Prior to helping lead this Med Tech SaaS company, Mareo was the top performing salesperson at multiple companies in various industries including financial services, logistics, manufacturing, and commodities. His formal education was completed at Brigham Young University (Bachelor’s in Sociology) and the University of San Diego (Masters in Global Leadership). Outside of family, reading, food, travel, and sports–driving organizational and individual growth are his passions. He loves finding and sharing meaning at the intersection of revenue, organizational health, and individual performance. Originally from Boise, Idaho and having lived, sold, and managed teams in London, Hong Kong, Yuma, San Diego, New York, Scottsdale, Houston, and Provo–Mareo now resides with his wife and four children in Boise, Idaho.

More About This Title: Really Care for Them: How Everyone Can Use the Power of Caring to Earn Trust, Grow Sales, and Increase Income. No Matter What You Sell or Who You Sell It To, by Mareo McCracken, will be released by Morgan James Publishing on October 26, 2021. Really Care for Them —9781631955778 —has 256 pages and is being sold as a trade paperback for $17.95.

 About Morgan James Publishing: Morgan James publishes trade quality titles designed to educate, encourage, inspire, or entertain readers with current, consistent, relevant topics that are available everywhere books are sold.

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