NEW YORK—September 6, 2016Morgan Jamess new release, Get Out of Mind Jail: Create Your New Life With Purpose by Reverend Nicholas Barrett, teaches readers how to get out of their own way when dealing with challenges in life.

Get Out of Mind JailMany times, trials are made harder because of the way people react to them. Fears, expectations, desires, and negative convictions can all prevent an individual from achieving their full potential. In Get Out of Mind Jail, Barrett helps readers learn how to fight mental battles in order to guide themselves through life’s trials.

Barrett delves into the mysteries of the mind to address issues like repetitive thought, forming good and bad habits, and positive visualization. Barrett does not preach, but rather takes a humble and straightforward approach, acknowledging that while life will always have circumstances that cannot be controlled, they can be changed by how people view them. In eleven chapters, Barrett takes readers on a journey from negativity into freedom using simple, straightforward language and anecdotes that allow readers to connect to the message.

Get Out of Mind Jail uses scripture at the end of every chapter, as well as a list of “do’s and don’ts”, suggested mental exercises, and other helpful resources, making it simple for readers to apply Barrett’s strategies. With these strategies, readers will learn how to live a greater and more fulfilling life by breaking free of the mental roadblocks that create barriers to their ultimate happiness. Get Out of Mind Jail seeks to create a sense of inner calm within readers and allow them to see the outward effects of inner change in order to have the life they always knew they could.

If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Reverend Nicholas Barrett, please call Nickcole Watkins at 516.900.5674.

About the Author:

Reverend Nicholas Barrett lost both his parents tragically in close succession, allowing him to grow stronger through his faith. His life’s goal is to help others find their purpose and achieve spiritual fulfillment as he has. He is a well-known author and performance coach specializing in the mind and human development. He also hosts the groundbreaking radio show “New Dimensions” on the Voice America network.

More About This Title:

Get Out of Mind Jail: Create Your New Life With Purpose by Reverend Nicholas Barrett will be released by Morgan James Publishing on September 6, 2016. Get Out of Mind JailISBN 978-1630478711

has 218 pages and is being sold as a trade paperback for $17.95

About Morgan James Publishing: Morgan James Publishing ( provides entrepreneurs with the vital information, inspiration, and guidance they need to be successful.

Morgan James Publishing, The Entrepreneurial Publisher, has been recognized by Publishers Weekly for three years on their fast growing press list and is reported as being the future of publishing.

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