NEW YORK—May 20, 2016—Morgan James’s new release, Stranded at Romsons Lodge by J.L. Callison, discloses an examination of what should happen if two Christian teens were to be stranded with no one else around to see the choices that the pair makes.

Christian teens can icallison_webntensely experience the peer pressure to go along with what the popular media portrays as the norm. Teen speaker J.L. Callison’s novel encourages young people not to succumb to the norm, but to live true to their moral values using the stories of two high school seniors who are kidnapped, stranded, and must learn to survive on their own.

By leaving a lonesome guy and homesick girl with no choice but to learn how to survive on their own, Stranded sets aside zombies, vampires, and magic to revisit an outdoor adventure scene that has been neglected for some time now. Callison not only examines the struggles of the two isolated teens, but also looks at the ways in which their parents and the detective in charge are able to handle the loss and emotional stress.

While most coming of age stories involve a significant loss of innocence as their key component, Stranded features a coming of age story that promotes the maintenance of strong moral beliefs. Callison’s story appeals to teens of both sexes, as well as the adults seeking a romantic thriller, with practical lessons about the outdoors and wildlife in addition to enthralling romantic toils.

If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with J.L. Callison, please call Nickcole Watkins at 516.900.5674.

About the Author:

J.L. Callison, a graduate of Bob Jones University, has had a diverse, wide-ranging career in sales, management, recycling, and transportation. Youth work is one of his greatest passions, and he regularly speaks to teens. An avid reader, he particularly enjoys military history and American history.

More About This Title:

Stranded at Romsons Lodge by J.L. Callison will be released by Morgan James Publishing on May 21, 2016. StrandedISBN 978-1630477363—has 284 pages and is being sold as a trade paperback for $17.95.

About Morgan James Publishing: Morgan James Publishing ( provides entrepreneurs with the vital information, inspiration, and guidance they need to be successful. Morgan James Publishing, The Entrepreneurial Publisher™, has been recognized by Publisher’s Weekly for three years on their fast growing press list and is reported as being the future of publishing.

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