NEW YORK—July 5, 2016Morgan Jamess new release, Guerilla Marketing for Financial Advisors: Transforming Financial Professionals through Practice Management by Grant Hicks and Jay Conrad Levinson helps professionals “build and maintain capacity in their business.”

9781630478131In today’s professional world, many business owners are having difficulty with maintaining growth in their financial service business. It can be difficult to maintain the growth of one’s capacity. Several things could be hindering it. Whether someone has a particular blind spot, or a hindering time limit, Hicks has written the perfect book to help individuals not only maintain their capacity, but grow it bigger than ever.

Using proven business strategies they’ve learned from their collective years as business experts, Levinson and Hicks have created easy to use strategies sure to increase even the most stubborn of capacities. Much research shows that many financial professionals do not have built-up business practices and struggle to truly identify the ideal type of clientGuerilla Marketing for Financial Advisors has the answers.

For those looking for these key elements: how to manage time to reach more consistent double digit growth, gain more revenue while gaining more referrals, encourage clients to act quickly by articulating ideal case studies as well as client experience, and the list goes onHicks’ Guerilla Marketing for Financial Advisors is the read every professional has been waiting to get their hands on.

If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Grant Hicks, please call Nickcole Watkins at 516.900.5674.

About the Author:

Grant Hicks, CIM, is a practice management capacity consultant. In addition to being an author and a popular keynote speaker at many conferences, Grant runs a training and coaching program for top financial advisors. He is the founder and National Director of Practice Management at with 27+ years of unique experience in the financial services industry. Grant is best known for co-authoring “Guerrilla Marketing for Financial Advisors” with Jay Conrad Levinson.

More About This Title:

Guerilla Marketing for Financial Advisors: Transforming Financial Professionals through Practice Management More by Grant Hicks and Jay Conrad Levinson will be released by Morgan James Publishing on July 5, 2016. Guerilla Marketing for Financial AdvisorsISBN 978-1630478131has 388 pages and is being sold as a trade paperback for $24.95.

About Morgan James Publishing: Morgan James Publishing ( provides entrepreneurs with the vital information, inspiration, and guidance they need to be successful. Morgan James Publishing, The Entrepreneurial Publisher, has been recognized by Publishers Weekly for three years on their fast growing press list and is reported as being the future of publishing.

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