NEW YORK— September 8, 2020—Morgan James’ new release, Help! My Husband is Hardly Home: 8 Steps to Feel Supported While Raising Your Family, by Kelsey Domiana, is geared towards mothers who are often left alone to manage their children and their home’s responsibilities. Kelsey Domiana’s provoking questions confront the real reasons for resentment, self-realization, and ugly truths. Her detailed, eight-step process offers an easy way to improve one’s mood and marriage. 

Kelsey Domiana understands how exhausting it is to raise a family alone while your partner is away from home for long periods of time. She knows how it can weigh heavily on a mother’s psyche, causing them to struggle with their identity and self-assurance if they don’t have the right kind of support system in place. Help! My Husband is Hardly Home shares Domiana’s own truth about feeling the isolation and frustration that comes with having a partner who frequently travels and works away from home. This is how she discovered her eight-step process to reclaiming joy and finding the right kind of support.

Playing the supportive role to a husband and his career while raising a family makes it hard to feel empowered, but it is not impossible. Mothers will learn how to identify the underlying reasons behind their resentment, as well as their family structure and dynamic. Help! My Husband is Hardly Home challenges women to discover if they are ready to find their own identity separate from their roles as wife and mother.

If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Kelsey Domiana, please call Nickcole Watkins at 516.900.5674.

About the Author: Kelsey Domiana is an intuitive lifestyle coach and yoga instructor who helps women struggling to balance raising a family, being a supportive wife, and showing up for themselves. She makes a daily conscious effort to remain grounded and balanced while her husband is always on the go as a professional basketball player. Between living abroad and stateside for his job, Kelsey uses creativity, connection, and communication to make their lifestyle work.

More About This Title: Help! My Husband is Hardly Home: 8 Steps to Feel Supported While Raising Your Family by Kelsey Domiana, will be released by Morgan James Publishing on September 8, 2020. Help! My Husband is Hardly Home—ISBN 9781642799019—has 166 pages and is being sold as a trade paperback for $14.95. 

About Morgan James Publishing: Morgan James publishes trade quality titles designed to educate, encourage, inspire, or entertain readers with current, consistent, relevant topics that are available everywhere books are sold. ( )