NEW YORK— July 14, 2020— Morgan James’ new release Come Alive: Find your Passion, Change Your Life, Change the World, by Jodi Hadsell, uses talent and career development lessons to coach individuals seeking their true passion in life. The lessons in Come Alive are comprised of challenging and life-altering methods that assess one’s sense of self, explore personal archetypes, tackle life challenges, restore brilliance, hone true desires, and manifest passion. 

As a transformation coach, Jodi Hadsell understands firsthand why most people decide not to pursue their passions due to fear, uncertainty, or feeling that their best days are behind them. Hadsell knows how uncomfortable it is to make large, radical changes, but she also knows that the false sense of security provided by comfort is far worse, as it often leads to regret. Hadsell combines her twenty years of experience in career development work and her ten years of mind-body coaching to help passion seekers identify their true talents, their biggest challenges, and the fears that hinder their self-confidence.

Come Alive offers a six-step process that will change one’s perspective in order to fully understand how to chase after their dreams. This process includes exposing an individual’s true desires and transforming old challenges into character assets. Jodi Hadsell believes that it’s never too late for pursuing personal passions, and she hopes to guide motivated men and women on a path toward those passions. 

If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Jodi Hadsell, please call Nickcole Watkins at 516.900.5674.

About the Author: Jodi has spent her entire career in service to helping people improve their lives. For over twenty years she worked in corporate learning and development, training and coaching employees in some of the largest technology companies in the world, including EDS, Apple, AT&T, and SAP. In addition, Jodi founded a boutique staffing agency in San Francisco, Muses, Inc., where she was the Head Talent Advocate, focusing on the desires and passions of the talent to find their ideal jobs.

More About This Title: Come Alive: Find Your Passion, Change Your Life, Change the World by Jodi Hadsell, will be released by Morgan James Publishing on July 14, 2020. Come Alive —ISBN 9781642797664—has 146 pages and is being sold as a trade paperback for $13.95. 

About Morgan James Publishing: Morgan James publishes trade quality titles designed to educate, encourage, inspire, or entertain readers with current, consistent, relevant topics that are available everywhere books are sold. ( )