NEW YORK—August 21, 2018—Morgan James Kid’s new release, Full of Beauty by Marishu and illustrated by Joyeeta Neogi, is a charming story that teaches readers ages five to eight an important lesson on inner beauty, confidence, and self-worth.

Marishu has spent decades teaching her own children and grandchildren that true beauty comes from the inside, and now she passes that message on to young readers everywhere. Full of Beauty follows a young girl from infancy all the way through motherhood as she learns that her beauty is unchanging and lies in the eyes of those who love her. As the unnamed central character goes through life, she experiences struggles such as classmates in grade school that are unkind to her, the self-doubt that often comes with being a teenager, and more. Each time she questions her value, her parents, teachers, friends, and eventually husband are there to remind her that she exudes beauty and grace.

As the girl goes through the phases of life, young readers see themselves mirrored in the story’s pages. They are prompted to question their own idea of beauty, inspired to find the beauty in those different from them, and discover the beauty within themselves. The positive mantras and uplifting theme make Full of Beauty the perfect read for bedtime, a classroom, or solitary reading.

It is never too early to teach children self-worth and confidence, and the idea of inner beauty is something they will carry with them throughout their whole life. These inspiring messages and the beautiful illustrations that accompany them make Full of Beauty a favorite of children and their parents.

If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Marishu, please call Nickcole Watkins at 516.900.5674.

About the Author: Marishu is a mother, grandmother, talk therapist, and business owner. She is passionate about children finding their voice and healing the planet. Marishu has written five previous books in two running series. She also has a podcast called The Parenting Toolbox, which discusses tools and tips for effective and loving parenting. Marishu lives in Yarrow, which is in Chilliwack, British Columbia in the lush and beautiful Fraser Valley.

More About This Title: Full of Beauty by Marishu and illustrated by Joyeeta Neogi, will be released by Morgan James Kids on August 21, 2018. Full of Beauty—ISBN 978-1683508472—has 36 pages and is being sold as a trade paperback for $9.95.

About Morgan James Publishing: Morgan James publishes trade quality titles designed to educate, encourage, inspire, or entertain readers with current, consistent, relevant topics that are available everywhere books are sold. (


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