NEW YORK—July 3, 2018Morgan James’ new health book release, Lighter: Eliminate Emotional Eating and Create Lasting and Healthy Habits to Lose Weight and Keep It Off for Life Without the Struggle by Erika Flint, is a simple guide to losing weight, living healthier, and being happier. It helps anyone that is trying to lose weight or struggling to keep the weight off.

Erika Flint is an award-winning hypnotist, and she uses her effective techniques in Lighter to target emotional eating at its core—the mind. Traditional dieting methods do not last because they only target the body without changing the mindset that causes the overeating in the first place. Flint teaches readers how to harmonize and harness the power of their mind and body to stop emotional eating forever.

It is easy for people to fall into the unhealthy habit of emotional eating and lose control, but Lighter is designed to finally break those habits, once and for all. This is accomplished not by fighting against the body and mind, but by working with them. The hypnosis techniques Flint uses include 31 tools that are designed to make people feel lighter, while also putting them on the right path to permanently getting lighter.

If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Erika Flint, please call Nickcole Watkins at 516.900.5674.

About the Author: Erika Flint is a best-selling author, award-winning hypnotist, and speaker. Formerly a software designer, she now uses her technical expertise and her powerful hypnosis methods to help clients access the power of their mind. Flint is the founder of the Reprogram Your Weight system and Cascade Hypnosis Center, which have helped countless clients. She uses a compassionate, heartfelt approach that helps people break their bad habits and improve the way they feel. Erika now lives in Bellingham, Washington.

More About This Title: Lighter: Eliminate Emotional Eating and Create Lasting and Healthy Habits to Lose Weight and Keep It Off for Life Without the Struggle by Erika Flint will be released by Morgan James Publishing on July 3, 2018. LighterISBN 9781683507789has 138 pages and is being sold as a trade paperback for $12.95

About Morgan James Publishing: Morgan James publishes trade quality titles designed to educate, encourage, inspire, or entertain readers with current, consistent, relevant topics that are available everywhere books are sold. (


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